Welcome to White Cane Connections.

My name is Sue Boman. Yes, that’s me in the picture posted here. I have called this blog White Cane Connections because I am one of the many people who use a white cane. I began this blog because I wanted to write about a project I undertook in 2012. The plan was to complete a series of walks using my white cane. Between March and September, I walked in 82 different locations across Canada. So, the blog begins by telling of my experiences and the many people I met along the way.

While this particular journey has now been completed, I find that I still have much to write about. I am continuing to make new white cane connections, and so for the time being I will continue to add regular posts to this blog. I am hoping that you will be a partner in the journey.


Monday 11 June 2012

June 11 - White Cane Connections on AMI-tv

Here is a video of the Edmonton walk that was filmed by Accessible Media Inc. It is currently playing on AMI-tv and on their Youtube channel:



1 comment:

  1. Wow Sue. This is great. What an amazing job you are doing. I am cheering you on. Alva.
