Welcome to White Cane Connections.

My name is Sue Boman. Yes, that’s me in the picture posted here. I have called this blog White Cane Connections because I am one of the many people who use a white cane. I began this blog because I wanted to write about a project I undertook in 2012. The plan was to complete a series of walks using my white cane. Between March and September, I walked in 82 different locations across Canada. So, the blog begins by telling of my experiences and the many people I met along the way.

While this particular journey has now been completed, I find that I still have much to write about. I am continuing to make new white cane connections, and so for the time being I will continue to add regular posts to this blog. I am hoping that you will be a partner in the journey.


Thursday 7 June 2012

June 5 - Red Deer, AB

In Red Deer, Lyle and I walked and talked with a wonderful group of people. They were so encouraging of me and the White Cane Connections project. The walk itself proved to be just the right length for us all and the overcast weather didn’t dampen our spirits. We walked and we talked and then we talked some more over coffee.

Most of the group belonged to the Red Deer Private Eyes support group – but not all. Nevertheless, the gathering was inclusive. We were there for a common cause – to promote an awareness of the white cane and in the process to discuss some of our common challenges and the difficulties we sometimes encounter without full sight.  

I felt very much supported by this group of people. They portrayed the true meaning of what a support group is all about. Now, the day after this walk, I will be meeting with the White Caners support group in Ponoka and I anticipate that there will be a continuation of this feeling of good will.

1 comment:

  1. It is wonderful that you get to meet so many new people and share.

