Welcome to White Cane Connections.

My name is Sue Boman. Yes, that’s me in the picture posted here. I have called this blog White Cane Connections because I am one of the many people who use a white cane. I began this blog because I wanted to write about a project I undertook in 2012. The plan was to complete a series of walks using my white cane. Between March and September, I walked in 82 different locations across Canada. So, the blog begins by telling of my experiences and the many people I met along the way.

While this particular journey has now been completed, I find that I still have much to write about. I am continuing to make new white cane connections, and so for the time being I will continue to add regular posts to this blog. I am hoping that you will be a partner in the journey.


Tuesday 5 June 2012

June 3 - Camrose, AB

Today Lyle and I joined the Camrose VIP support group for their annual fund raising walk for CNIB. VIP stands for Visually Impaired persons, but it could also stand for Very Important People. Joyce and Randy, the facilitators of the group, always put so much time and effort into the planning of this walk that it becomes a pleasure to participate in the actual event.

The long title of the walk was The Ron McVee Memorial Walk Towards Independence. Ron was one of the original facilitators of the Camrose support group. Today’s walk, the thirteenth annual fund raising walk, raised close to $3,000. This money will be used to fund CNIB services for clients in Alberta.

1 comment:

  1. I like the VIP as beening a very important person as we are all very important. They raised a good amount ot money for CNIB.
